Search Engine Optimization is something really really serious thing now a days.

 You need to have deep knowledge in order to work properly for your clients and on your own websites. There are a lot of SEO parameters and aspects we have already talked about.  Now this is the time to let you know about SEO Tools, tools are shared with you because many of you were requesting to know about tools. And tools are now necessary for SEO optimizers. By using a set of useful tools you can find the errors, position, goods, Bad’s and crucial potential of a website or blog.

Best SEO Tools for Getting Ideas & finding errors:
  1. SEOquake (For Knowing the ranking of websites)
  2. SEMrush (For knowing the ranking of websites)
  3. Website Auditor (For knowing the SEO errors of websites)
  4. OpenSiteExplorer (Checking the links+Backlinks)
  5. Link Detox (For detecting bad links)
  6. Backlink Profiler (Links & ranking)
  7. CopyScap (For checking copied content)
  8. SEO Spider (For Checking duplications)
  9. Google Adword Keyword Tool (For finding best keywords)
  10. Google Trends (For finding the target location of your audience)
  11. Market Samurai (For finding profitable topics, low competition niches)
  12. SimilarSites (For finding the keywords & ranking of similar sites)
  13. Xenu Link Sleuth (For finding broken links & other errors)
  14. Google Webmaster Tools (For knowing each & everything about a site)
  15. Google Analytic tool (For knowing the traffic of the site)
  16. Google PageSpeed Tool (For knowing the speed or loading time of the site)
  17. SeoMoz (To know each and everything about SEO)
  18. SproutSocial  (Social Media promotion)
  19. Raven tools (For managing SEO task, social media tasks & marketing)
  20. SEO by Yoast (SEO Plugin For WordPress, does all seo tasks)


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